Every aspect of a child should be develop and for me, the right time to do it is when they are 1 year old up to 6 years old. It is in these growing years that their mind and body are like sponges that sucked in anything presented to them. Today I am writing about how we develop their motor skills.
Motor development is the ability of a child to use its body and other
physical skills to do an action. Motor development is classified into
three categories, namely, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and
balance/co-ordination skills. Studies show that developing motor skills in children help them in
understanding all aspects of human development. It also helps in
identifying any abnormalities in motor skills at an early stage. When
abnormalities are identified at an earlier stage it is easier to rectify
them. This is from http://gomestic.com/family/how-to-develop-fine-motor-skills-in-toddlers/.
Activities like walking, hopping, dancing, running, etc. ate and Jaden need no words of encouragement. I also remind their yaya to encourage playing most of their time. Jaden now begins to imitate the video taken from the ballet recital of ate Maisie. She watches it and do the moves later. Or when she hears a danceable music, Jaden automatically stands up and dance. That is why I don't anymore play psy's gentleman when it is sleeping time because both girls will dance right away. We also play catch ball or kick ball. Both girls have their own basketball but it has a little mermaid design on it. Ate Maisie likes to play volleyball while Jaden wants to catch and kick.
Equally important also is to develop their fine motor skills - small, precise thumb, finger, hand, and wrist movements — because they
support a host of other vital physical and mental skills.(http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-to-help-your-toddler-develop-fine-motor-skills_11549.bc.
Among our activities are playing of blocks. Ate and Jaden would stack the blocks according to their designs. We also let them hold the crayons. With ate coloring is no sweat, its a different picture though with Jaden. Sometimes I felt that coloring pictures or worksheets are too boring for ate since she has done this for sometime already. During bath time, I allow ate and Jaden to scoop water from one container to another. This is a good play for them to develop their fine motor skills. Dressing up and buttoning shirts are good exercise of their skills also aside from the fact that they are able to practice their "me" phase or their independent phase.
Play are the fun method of learning indeed.
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