Thursday, 4 April 2013

Weekend activities

Staying home is boring for an active child. Thus, once in a while we go places.

Our first road trip for the year was when we went to Philippines Eagle.

Then have lunch at the Malagos Garden Resort

There are still other picturesque spots in Malagos but the kids just want to focus on the playground specially the slides. As they say, play is very important in a child's learning.

The Zoofari is also one of their favorite spots.

 Their favorite area is the slide.

 And this is the reward. Seeing this kind of smile from them.

Another favorite is the pool. As ate Maisie said, she wants to live in the pool and even sleep on it.

Not only do this activities help them develop as a whole person, but it is a very effective and easy way for them to snooze.

Jaden was dead tired and even sleeps all by herself without the aid of a lulluby or her usual 1 serving of an 8oz milk.

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